First Post!

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First of all, hello there fellow scintilla in the universe! I would like to express my deep appreciation because you dropped by in my little part of the web, and if you’re reading through this then you must really have the time to get to know me. (Btw, I’m not very good with words & putting my thoughts together so bare with me.)

I’m a 19 year-old art enthusiast studying at De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde as a design student. Grew up in Doha which is why I consider it my 2nd home. A free spirit with a wild heart, and an independent child of the God.

This blog is about sharing to you my numinous exploits and fascinations, specifically my journey in this lifetime, my experiences and how it helps me grow as a young adult, my thoughts and observations on everything but mainly on art, exploits, and food. I hope you enjoy and benefit from all the things that I have posted and will post in this blog.

Btw! I’m into socializing as well, if you have anything to say..  Leave a comment down below! Want a casual talk? Tweet me here.

I’m an art enthusiast, a foodie, a wanderlust, and a bibliophile. Interested to know why? Read through.

Art. My first love. Since the moment I came to this Earth we call home, I have never set my eyes on anything else. Lines, colors, and whatnot. How everything connects, how everything has harmony, and how everything is brought to life by art. That’s my passion. My fascination. To share to the world how I see and feel art would be a privilege. I’d like to make somethig clear though, I don’t make art to please others, I make art for God and to satisfy myself. I believe that if I am pleased with what I’ve done, then for me, I am an artist.

Food. Well, srsly, who isn’t a foodie? I’m all about sharing, and to share good/bad experiences from places I have eaten at and will eat at would be entertaining and beneficial to you. Whether you’ll be urged to try them out or nah.

Adventures. (Sometimes wishing to be a nomad.) I love being outdoors, and I am attracted to nature. My exploits would be shared as well in this blog.

Books. You have no idea how much I looove books. Especially, dystopian novels, metaphorical novels, and romantic novels with a hint of drama and of course, realism. Books let me live different lives. They’re.. Enlightments. They make me look at certain things from a different perspective. It’s like putting myself in the shoes of others. They make me understand.

That’s all for now. Thanks for being interested! And welcome to a glimpse of the life in my years.

(This would be updated regularly in the About Page)

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