Drifting Away

Puerto Pricesa Palawan, truly a breathtaking and ravishing place. My parents decided to book for a flight to Palawan 2 days before. Really was stunned by their plan but was convinced it was reasonable.

Anyways, without furthur adieu here’s a snippet of what happened in:


We arrived at the airport of Palawan early in the morning (bad news though, it was raining!). Also was greeted by King James Travel & Tours which was the agency we got our 4 days and 3 nights package tour. We were welcomed by them and was given a lei (picture below)

After welcoming us, they led us to a van and dropped us off at the Legend Palwan Hotel (where my father was one of its pioneers). We checked in and found ourselves a comfy room with 1 queen size bed and 1 single bed. Here are some photos of what’s seen inside the Legend.



Bad news kept coming though, the rain won’t stop! Our first day at Puerto would’ve taken place at the firefly watching, instead, we were overwhelmed by the plated lunch and dinner buffet.

Our lunch was at Ka Inato Restaurant, where they served sinigang, grilled chicken, chapsuey, fruits, and buko shakes. (YUMMY!!!)


And dinner buffet at the Sunlight Hotel (which I gotta say we didn’t appreciate so much, wasn’t very appetizing)


After that we went back to the hotel and slept early because tomorrow’s gonna be a new and hectic day!


Breakfast! Yay! It was a plated breakfast at Tanglaw Restaurant just located in the ground floor of our hotel.


After we ate, we were fetched by the tour van and tour guide. We were accompanied in the tour by 3 women from Tacloban, and a traveling couple. (The picture below was taken after the tour)


After we fetched everyone we rented snorkeling gears and then went on to our destination! The tour guide rented a boat to bring us at Honda Bay Islands, which consists of more than one island. We visited two islands there.

(It took us 40 minutes or more to get there) The first island was at Pandan Island. There, I was taught the basics of how to snorkel by the tour guide. Kuya Echo (the tour guide) brought me farther from the shore, where we can feed fishes and look at them through our goggles below. We also did kayaking and paddle boat. Below are some photos in Pandan Island! It was crazy beautiful there!



The second island was at Cowrie Island to have a lunch buffet.

After 20 minutes or so, we arrived at Cowrie. Didn’t get to take photos of the lunch because I was already starving! Anyways, that’s all we did there and a little bit of swimming as well. Then returned back to the port.


Our island hopping was over. And we were dropped off at our hotels. The agency called to tell us we will be fetched by the van at 7pm to have a plated dinner at Kinabuchs Grill & Bar (definitely one of the faves!!!) They served the best selling crocodile sisig!

Thus, the end of our 2nd day there.


Well that’s the snippet of our first two days at Palawan! Day 3 & 4 will be posted asap.

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