Adventure is Out There

AS PROMISED! The continuation of my last post. Day 3 Early morning trips are a thing here in Puerto Princesa (especially because we’re a part of a package tour), so we woke up at 5 in the morning and went down to Tanglaw to have our breakfast buffet!    (Btw, the agency called us and told us that the Firefly watching would be available later that night! T’was a good morning indeed!) First on the itinerary: Butterfly Garden; I was scared at first to touch the butterfly but I got the hang of it. There were also scorpions, grasshoppers, crocodiles, bearcats, etc. in the garden which I gladly didn’t volunteer to touch.     *me trying to be a pretty butterfly*   Further up the hill where the garden is located, there were natives, the “Palaw-an Tribe” they spoke in their Palaw-an tongues so I really didn’t understand them but there was a tour guide who explained what they are and there livelihood to us. (Also, I carried a snake along my nape)       Also bought an anklet made by the natives which I have no intention of taking off.    After that was the crocodile farm hihi (Reptile skins are kinda slimy but surprisingly smooth!)    That was it for wildlife touching. Next stop was the souvenir shop, where you obviously buy souvenirs. (No photos of that place, sorry) Bought some ‘pasalubong’ which in English means idk maybe like “take home items for family & friends” Anyways! After that we were dropped off again at another location. BADJAO SEAFRONT!!! (Which, for me, was the BEST lunch I ever had. ((Also, everything that was served contained seafood)) Plus!! It’s so pretty there; open space and surrounded by water)     After eating we we’re fetched and dropped off at the hotel, where we found a little bit of time just to relax and take a swim in the pool before heading to where the Firefly Watching takes place.    Later that evening, we took a long drive through a long dark road just to get to the Firefly Watching. As in, no streetlights! Anyways, it was really dark there and flash photography wasn’t allowed so I didn’t get to take a video or a picture of those wonderful fireflies. They were truly lovely! (T’was kinda scary there though, we were on this kayaking boat (I think) so basically it was a skinny boat which allowed 3 passengers and of course 1 boatman/guide. It took us 40 minutes or more rowing through the lake and back to the port. Nevertheless, the experience was priceless! (Here’s what the front looks like when you get there at the location)    The last trip for that day was at this TRADITIONAL, UNIQUE LOOKIN’ RESTAURANT called Ka Lui; beautifully designed interior and of course, delicious dishes. (Sorry for myself ’cause I didn’t get to take photos of it’s interior)       AFTER THAAAAAAT… Back to hotel to take some much needed rest because the next day is going to be one tiring but exciting day for us. THAT’S IT FOR DAY 3! Day 4 of this trip would, of course, be posted ASAP.

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