Drop Dead Gorgeous

Drafted this as soon as I possibly can.

Day 4 

And of course for the finale, a trip to the Underground River! One of the Seven Wonders of the World located in my homeland. *Hearts everywhere* 

Woke up earlier than usual to have a swift breakfast at Tanglaw, then headed right out where the tour van & guide was waiting for us, along with 2 couples who were our company for that day. A long drive through what seemed like an endless road surrounded by trees and rock formations (which I honestly didn’t mind), to reach Port Sabang.  

  Waiting… More waiting.. (because the Port was full of tourists!)     And then finally! Our group’s number was called and we were off to the boat that will take us to the island where the Underground River hides.

Almost an hour of boat ride (which again, I didn’t mind) And finally reaching the island, where monkeys are present and whatnots.            You can’t imagine how I felt when I put my feet down and just feel everything that surrounds me. It was something majestic, something breathtaking. *Anyways, let’s put that ‘reflection part’ at the end of this blog post* A few more steps; walking down the path.. We found ourselves among other tourists waiting for a paddle boat and a guide that’ll take us inside the Underground River. And of course, our turn came..           (Obviously didn’t take enough photos *crying*) IT WAS AMAZING. I SWEAR, IT REALLY WAS even though it was slightly creepy and I felt like I was in this horror film (specifically The Descent) hahaha BUT STILL YKNOW, BREATHTAKING. 

After our trip there we stopped by at this rock formation AND OH MY GOD… DROP DEAD GORGEOUS. “I swear in that moment I was infinite.”       Thus.. the end of this wonderful trip.

This experience was truly amazing. Words aren’t enough to describe the feeling I felt when I was there. The sea, mountains, trees, air, and everything else. The warm people, home-y feeling. A safe haven for everyone. I actually wish everyone could feel the humbling and overwhelming feeling that I felt while I was there. Thank You God for this wonderful creation and for making us tend to it. A renewing and rejuvenating feeling for everyone’s soul. For those who are free spirited who possess wild hearts… Palawan, is perfect. Thank you guys for letting me share this experience with you. Keep flowing everyone!

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